Our highly qualified and experienced Early Childhood Educators aim to achieve excellence in their role as facilitators, role models and nurturers of young children’s learning and development. We respect the needs and rights of children to make choices and decisions by empowering them to take responsibility for the functioning parts of the daily routines.
Our programs are over seen by a fully qualified teacher and are interest based, creating programs that assist in developing our children's minds. They are based on the Early Years Learning Framework and our school readiness program is incorporated into our everyday learning from social skills to learning abilities that make transition to school life easier.
The staff at Centrepoint Childcare Centre are committed to make the transition between home and care as seamless as possible.
We support your child as an individual, to develop their strengths, interests, skills and abilities to extend their learning, and ensure all children feel safe and supported throughout their time in care.
Our learning program is based on children’s interests, developing skills and promoting being, becoming and belonging.